Skagit County Fire District 14 was officially established in 1954 under RCW Title 52, the District lies 100 miles north of Seattle and 25 miles south of the Canadian border servicing a major interstate (Interstate 5) corridor. We provide fire, rescue, emergency medical, and hazardous materials response to nearly 4000 residents from two stations with a dedicated staff of volunteers.
Skagit County Fire District 14’s twenty-five square-mile service area is in a remote, rural area with unique challenges to emergency response, from critical infrastructure to recreational venues attracting large seasonal populations. We are also responsible for initial response to Department of Natural Resources (DNR) lands and the tribal lands of the Upper Skagit Indian Tribe.
For Levy information contact David Skrinde 360-724-3451
Looking to become a firefighter, go to the "Current Events" tab and learn more about gaining an education and experience through Skagit Valley College Fire Technology Program.